Ann Discusses the Fatherhood Clarity Course in MEL Magazine
Sep 24, 2018
At the heart of both the Motherhood Clarity Course™ and the Fatherhood Clarity Course™ is the process of getting to know yourself better so that you can make one of life’s most important decisions: whether to be a parent or not.
I’ve been helping men discover their answer for almost three decades. While male clarity seekers have specific needs, there are more issues connecting the sexes than separating them on this topic.
What I enjoyed about this article with MEL Magazine is that, while it focuses on the Fatherhood Clarity Course, it goes into a lot of detail about what I provide in both courses. It’s a wonderful overview of the clarity-seeking process.
Below is an excerpt and a link to the full article:
The Counseling Service That Helps Men Determine If They Want to Be Fathers Or Not
It’s called ‘fatherhood clarity mentoring,’ and it aims to make one of the toughest decision in your life a little easier
By Tracy Moore
We used to assume all women were natural mothers, born wanting children from the time they’re little girls. In response, women have increasingly pushed back against this presumption. Many don’t want children at all, or are downright ambivalent about it. Men, though, are typically left out of this equation, presumed to mostly go along with whatever a wife or girlfriend nudges them toward. They are, we seem to think, reluctant fathers at best.
But that stereotype is changing, in no small part because of people like Ann Davidman, a marriage and family therapist in California who has quietly been working with men for decades to help them make their own decisions about if — or when — to be fathers.
Called Parenthood Clarity Mentoring, Davidman originally developed the program with the co-author of her book, Denise L. Carlini. Together they wrote Motherhood — Is It for Me? Your Step-by-Step Guide to Clarity. The program they developed, which Carlini broke apart from years ago, counsels men and women who hit a range of snags when it comes time to stare down breeding. A recent New York Times profile of Davidman’s work focused on how she helps women sort this all out, but missing was the acknowledgement that she’s also been offering the same services the last 30 years to men, who make up about 20 percent of her client base.... (Click to continue reading.)