What is Our Pronatalist Society
Telling You?
Nov 05, 2024

As you try your best to make a wise decision about whether to become a parent or remain child-free, it can be so hard to cut through the noise and figure out what you really want.
Many factors can cloud your decision, including your own fears, your relationship status, cultural traditions, the pull of your career aspirations, concerns about global issues (like the climate crisis, war, and energy prices), your age, and so much more…
Plus, it can feel like just about everyone you know is quick to offer their opinions — and they’re often influenced by our pro-natalist society, as we all are.
Watch as Ann explains why our pro-natalist society might be impacting your decision-making, and even your own worldview, without you realizing it:
Ann created her trailblazing Parenthood Clarity™ Process to help you create the internal spaciousness you need to explore what you really want, even when it can feel like our pro-natalist society has already chosen for you.
Through a variety of exercises, you’ll explore and come to understand the many feelings associated with making this decision.
Since 1991, Ann has guided her students and clients around the world to decide whether they want to become parents or remain child-free — now you’re invited to join her and embark on your own journey.
Working With Ann
- Read the book Motherhood-Is It For Me?
- Enroll in one of Ann's carefully designed group Parenthood Clarity™ Courses: Motherhood Clarity™ Course (two formats), or Fatherhood Clarity™ Course
- Work with Ann 1:1 in her Private Clarity™ Course
Plus! Ann’s Live Weekend Workshop, Is Parenthood For You? begins this Friday, November 8, and runs through November 10, 2024.
During this immersive weekend, you’ll:
- Experience a safe place where you’ll feel comfortable during this process of exploration.
- Uncover unconscious beliefs that may be keeping you stuck.
- Discover fears and stories that are creating self-doubt and adding to your confusion.
- Begin to unpack societal and family influences — and how to decipher what you most want and need.
- Learn to open to uncertainty as best as you can, letting yourself be okay with not knowing what you’ll ultimately decide.
- Discover the many definitions of parenthood, including your own.
- Understand why it’s never too late to heal your early wounds…and more.