Motherhood — Is It For Me?
Your Step-by-Step Guide to Clarity
Denise L. Carlini & Ann Davidman
Are you struggling with not knowing if you want to have children?
Does it seem like everyone else just knows, and you don’t?
Do you want to clarify once and for all whether becoming a parent is your calling in life?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, Motherhood — Is It For Me? is written for you. We offer this book as your oasis, your sanctuary – a place for you to explore, discover, and know your deepest truth.

Ser madre, ¿es para mí?
Tu guía paso a paso hacia la claridad
Denise L. Carlini y Ann Davidman
Quizás te estás preguntando si deseas tener un bebé o si te vendría mejor una vida sin hijos. Si este es tu caso, Ser madre, ¿es para mí? es la herramienta perfecta para enfrentar esta decisión crucial en tu vida.
Este libro te ofrece un camino claro hacia la comprensión de tu ambivalencia que te permitirá superarla y tomar la decisión informada de ser madre o de continuar con la vida que llevas hasta ahora.

Motherhood — Is It For Me?
Guided Visualizations
Narrated by co-author Denise L. Carlini
Powerful guided meditations to accompany Motherhood — Is It For Me? And follow each week's process-oriented exercises.
Supporting your reading with these visualizations will help you access deeper levels of information more available to you in a relaxed state. These meditations will enrich your experience as you work your program.
Also available at Amazon.ca, Amazon.co.uk, and other Amazon European websites,
as well as The Book Depository, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, and more.
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