Ann Shares Message of Parenthood Choice with
Feb 18, 2019
It was wonderful to talk with Aaron Stern from to share the important message that everyone has a choice about becoming a parent. It is an individual decision and one that my Motherhood Clarity Course and Fatherhood Clarity Course help people find clarity on if their struggling with this issue.
I was also able to share with Aaron that while the courses and book help people come to a decision regarding parenting, they also help people understand their decision-making process and why sometimes they feel “stuck” when making big decisions.
So…it’s a process of looking at your fears and the real externals in your life — finances, relationship, your age, all the things — and identifying all of that so you can put it aside and not entertain it at all while you go through a process of first discovering what you want for you without having to consider anything outside of you.
Below is an excerpt and a link to the full article:
Not Sure If You Want Kids? This Therapist Will Help You Decide
For 30 years, family therapist Ann Davidman has helped men and women figure out if they really, truly want to be parents.
By Aaron Stern
Not all of us enter adulthood knowing innately that we want to have children. Many people struggle to acknowledge to themselves — let alone others — their uncertainty about what is often assumed to be the most logical step of adulthood. How do you know if you really want to be a father?
Ann Davidman has worked for 30 years to change that. A family therapist by trade, Davidman is one of a growing number of consultants who help would-be mothers and fathers answer one of the toughest questions they’ll ever ask themselves: to be a parent, or not? Davidman’s program, which she created with another family therapist, Denise L. Carlini, is called Motherhood – Is it for Me?, and the two co-authored a book based on the course, Motherhood. Is it for Me? Your Step by Step Guide to Clarity, that guides readers through the clarity course, going far beyond the perceived pros and cons of parenthood and instead turning attention inward to better know their desires and motivations. Davidman says the book is just as much for fathers, and she has long offered a less-advertised Fatherhood Clarity Course, as well, that offers the same services but aimed at men.
So how does Davidman help men cut through the noise and decide whether or not they actually do want to be fathers? Fatherly spoke to Davidman about her program, the difference between desire and decision, and why, in order to know what we truly want for the future, you have to look backwards… (Click to continue reading.)