Help Doctors Provide Unbiased Guidance to Ambivalent Women
Nov 11, 2019
In September, I was invited to a Contraceptive Access Equality conference where I shared best practices for providers who have patients ambivalent about motherhood. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), District VII and the Take Control Initiative coordinated with each other to bring together a community of people whose focus is improving the health care for women where reproductive justice was at the foreground.
It truly was an honor to be included among so many women and men fighting for women’s reproductive health. I took part in the Pregnancy Intention and Counseling panel, where I presented a guide for doctors and health care practitioners that explains how to think about the ambivalent population of women and how to talk with them so they feel seen.
Download the guide here to give to your doctor or health practitioner.